Parenting Q & A
by Mary Allen

A Potpourri of Essays about the Family, the Home, and Parenting

"Great wealth is in the house of the righteous..."  Proverbs 15:6




Where Is Your Treasure?

April, 2010

Q: What encouragement do you have for stay at home moms? Day after day of constant picking up, wiping runny noses and dirty bottoms, and falling into bed exhausted each night, makes me wonder if what I'm doing is making any difference.

A: It's making all the difference! Let me answer your plea with a question of my own: What can we take with us to Heaven when we die?

The answer is simply, our children. Those we influence towards Christ. Not our new vehicle, or our mortgaged "house beautiful", or anything else that a second income could buy. In light of Matthew 6:19-21, we need to turn our hearts away from earthly corruptible things, and towards God and the values He assigns.

In 1 Timothy 6, we see in verse 7 that "we have brought nothing into the world, so we cannot take anything out of it either." Verse 10 warns against the love of money, and verse 11 cites these pursuits as being suitable for a man or woman of God: "righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance and gentleness."

As a stay at home mom, yes--the need for perseverance and love and faith, etc. is huge! But so is the payoff as our children are trained in the ways of the Lord. Every bit of sweat, tears and blood you pour into your child is your equity in Heaven--as we work to make spiritual and physical provision for our family's needs, they bloom! We cultivate within them--as with planting a garden--a thriving environment in which God's love grows and magnifies.

Don't ever underestimate your role as a mother! I also want to say that it's SO normal to feel the way you do. We all have times where the tedium of life weighs us down, and we lose sight of why we started down this road in the first place. In Titus 2, the older women are told to teach the younger women to "love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, ..." Wow. God knew there would be times when we'd need encouraged to love our husbands and children. It's not a given, but by God's grace and with His help through prayer on our part and a willing heart of obedience--He can kindle that flicker of mother-love into the flame He intended it to be in the first place.

So don't fall into the trap of believing that someone else can do your job better. Remember, children are a gift from the Lord--they are His reward! And if we do our job, Lord willing, they will be by our sides in Heaven...along with any other treasures we've netted for Him along life's way.

What is more important than that?



Rejoicing in hope... Romans 12:12

by Mary Allen

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About the Author:  Mary Allen is a stay-at-home, homeschooling, country-loving mom. She makes her home in the mid-west amidst Border Collies, horses, cows, a horde of chickens, her beloved husband of 16 years and their three girls. She writes articles for several online publications, including her own website, Home-Steeped Hope

(Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.  Used by Permission.)

Published April 20, 2010

Updated March 27, 2014

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